Гость studioall Опубликовано 15 сентября, 2006 Опубликовано 15 сентября, 2006 Hi all,i am located in New York and would like to join russian team on Warbirds 2006.Let me know if you use this game and how to join.Thanks, Alex
terror Опубликовано 15 сентября, 2006 Опубликовано 15 сентября, 2006 Dear Alex, It is our pleasure that you have visited our forum. Unfortunately we are not flying actively in WB2006, it is so happened that the main focus areas for 72AG now are the Il-2 -- Pacific Fighter series and Microsoft Flight Simulator. We were once a great team in Warbirds, but in the previous one, i.e. Warbirds 2.7 and we were flying on the Russian 'Freehost' server (the one that is considered illegal by the iEN's team). Moreover, we are all Russian speakers and not many of us can speak English fluently. With that in mind, I think sadly we are not of much help to you (unless you are interested in Microsoft Flight Simulator), though I am sure that with little efforts you will find another great squad flying actively in WB2006 who will be willing to accept you in their ranks. We all wish you the best of luck and clear 6oc in the virtual skies! Yours 72AG Commander 72AG_terror С уважением, terror
Гость studioall Опубликовано 16 сентября, 2006 Опубликовано 16 сентября, 2006 Privet TerrorYa napisal po angliiski potomu sto ne imey russkogo shrifta jivya v Americe.A grat xotels bu s hashimi-Russkimi Alex
mozart Опубликовано 16 сентября, 2006 Опубликовано 16 сентября, 2006 Studioall попробуй "Ил-2 штурмовик ЗС". Кажется, в Варбирдс у нас никто не летает..
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